Hey everyone! Yesterday I met with my academic advisor to choose classes for the Spring Semester. My advisor was really helpful in giving me suggestions for classes that I should take as a freshman so that I have a good balance of the required Liberal Arts Core classes as well as classes that I need for my major. I really appreciate that my advisor took the time to get to know me, and I got the impression that he really cared about how my first semester at SMSU is going so far. There are a lot of options to consider when choosing which classes to take but with the help of my advisor, I think I got it narrowed down!
The SMSU men’s basketball team kicked off the season with an exciting win last Tuesday, and the Mustang Maniacs were out in full spirit on the sidelines! A lot of my fellow Mustang Traditions residents were decked out in their bright yellow t-shirts in support of the Mustangs. Athletic events are always a blast when everyone is pumped up, and it sure helps that the team is off to such a great start!
Tonight there is a dance at the Centers! So much to do here at SMSU! =)