Things have been crazy here on the campus of SMSU! As classes come to a close and finals are starting, it’s about this time of year when students go NUTS! Thankfully, the campus has provided a plethora of opportunities for students to stay active, be involved, and have fun! This year marks the 5th Annual Fine Arts Celebration at SMSU put on by the Department of Art, Music, Speech Communication and Theatre, along with the Creative Writing Program and the English Department. Events began on April 1st and will continue through the week until May 7th; events range from special guests like Dana Yost who did a reading on April 6th, to the performance of musical Lucky Stiff, to the Southwest Minnesota Orchestra Liszt Festival Concert. Along with these events include readings from SMSU professors Susan McLean, Marianne Murphy Zarzana, and Liz Blair; The SMSU Forensic Showcase and student readings also were included in the celebration.
One of my favorite things about the Fine Arts Celebration is all of the exhibits in the William Whipple Gallery, which is located right next to the Library. Throughout the celebration, there have been a number of amazing displays presented in the gallery; the Art Graduation Exhibit displays a lot of the graduating seniors’ portfolios as well as collections by various artists. My absolute favorite collection is done by senior artist Kate Fineran, whose collection includes a number of ceramic safari and jungle animals, a safari spread, an animal print canvas, as well as ceramic animal masks; the pieces alone are phenomenal, but the collection as a whole is simply amazing.
The Fine Arts Celebration has been just one of the great opportunities that SMSU provides for its students during this time of year. I absolutely love the spring and all of the fun activities that go on during this hectic time of year; keep on keeping on and finish strong!
Kelly Fitzgerald
Junior - Marshalltown, IA