This last week has
been filled with so many different events. Last weekend was SMSU’s homecoming.
On Tuesday of last week, SMSU hosted a hypnotist by the name of Chris Jones.
Wednesday Jen Keohen was winner of Mustang Idol, which entertained many of SMSU’s
students and faculty; not very many seats were left! Thursday night, we crowned
Kyle Lecy and Karissa Herrman as homecoming king and queen. Friday night,
SMSU’s foundation and alumni held their annual Gala to raise funds for
scholarships for our students. A lot people in the community of Marshall
supported this event financially. Many
of our students get scholarships from funds that are raised from this large
event. Saturday was the official SMSU
homecoming day. It was filled with
events like the Annual Lions Club Pancake Feed, a parade and multiple sporting
events. The night ended with SMSU’s
football team beating the Minnesota State University - Moorhead Dragons 48 – 9.
only did the weekend hold homecoming events, it also began the duck hunting
season. Many of our students and
community members participated in the duck opener, including myself. The
picture below is where my group set up our camp. We had a very successful morning. We got up at 3:30am and set up our decoys and
blinds before sunrise. 7:05am was the
time set to officially start the duck season.