Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Life as a Mustang: An Education Major’s Perspective


My name is Wilson Ebner and I am currently a senior at Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU); I am majoring in Elementary Education, Special Education, and Teaching English as a Second Language, with a Reading minor. I graduated from Rosemount High School in 2013, and I then moved to Marshall, MN to start college at SMSU.

At Southwest Minnesota State University, I have been provided with many unexpected opportunities. For example, we have a club called Education Minnesota Student Program (EMSP), which is not only a club that helps Education majors find professional development opportunities, connect with other Education majors and grow as aspiring educators on the SMSU campus, but it also provides these same opportunities on the state level with Education Minnesota, and on the national level with the National Education Association. During my sophomore year, I volunteered to be the Vice-President of EMSP on the campus of SMSU and a month later, I was elected President.

Wilson Ebner’s first National Education Association Board
 meeting with another Minnesota representative, Ellen

My year as SMSU EMSP President was an amazing experience, and little did I know the even more amazing opportunities I would be presented with: on June 30, 2016 in Washington, D.C., I was elected to represent 50,000 aspiring educators on the national level as a Student Representative on the National Education Association’s Board of Directors. I am currently 6 months into my term. For this position, I fly around the country about 9-10 times during the year, going to conferences, meeting the members that I represent, and attending the board meetings to help make influential decisions for the future of education.

SMSU Education students Clay Flesner and Wilson Ebner, Dr. Wendy Schoolmeester, and SMSU Alumni and 
NEA Student Chair 2014-2016 Chelsey Herrig in Washington, D.C. at the Student Leadership Conference

You’re probably reading this wondering why I am talking about my position and myself. I do want to tell you why SMSU was right for me and prepared me to be the best teacher I can be. Four years ago, I was absolutely terrified about picking the right school for my future. I wanted a school that would prepare me to take on a classroom of students all on my own and not come home crying because I messed up a lesson. I learned from SMSU that failure in education is the best thing that can happen to you! It becomes a teachable moment.

SMSU places you in an area school your freshman year for 15 hours to begin the practice. In the past two years, I believe that I have spent more time in an elementary school than the university. This is something rare and not many schools around the country allow their students to be in a school freshman year, first semester.

SMSU also has some of the best, nicest, funniest Education professors; I mean it! We occupy an entire 2nd floor of a building and part of the 1st floor as well because we have so many amazing professors. They are constantly in their offices when not teaching so you are able to pop right on in and say hi and ask questions. Not once in my life have I had more support from teachers/professors. One even flew to DC with me to support me on my campaign for NEA Board.

Dr. Wendy Schoolmeester, Dr. Sonya Vierstrate, and Wilson Ebner
eating doughnuts at our Alumni tent before the Homecoming parade

The curriculum at SMSU in the Education Department really makes you think and pushes you to grow into the best teacher. Over the past year, I have had 3 job offers from schools around the Marshall area that want me to come teach in their district after graduation. As an Education student at SMSU, you can feel confident that you will be well-prepared for a career in education.

As I am finishing up my last semester of classes before student teaching, I am amazed by how much information I have learned and used in the classroom over these past four years. The Education Department absolutely prepares you to be the best teacher you can be.

Picking and starting college will be scary at first. If you’re like me, you will question if you made the right choice up until move in day. From the moment I moved in freshman year, I knew I had made the right decision. Being an Education major at SMSU has been the most rewarding experience of my life and I really love every moment of it. I know you will too! 

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