It is almost to the middle of December, and Marshall has yet to have a snowfall this year. Where the heck is all this snow!? I remember this time last year, there was a good two feet of snow on the ground before Thanksgiving. Multiple times last year, I would have to dig my car out of the parking lot because there was snow all the way up to my windows. Although I like the snow, thankfully I have not had to dig my way out of anything so far this year.
I realize that the winter season is still getting underway, but I keep hearing meteorologists on the news saying that the snow is coming. Well, where exactly is this thing called snow, because I have yet to see it in Marshall. I am hoping that when I return home to the cities for the holiday season that there is at least some snow to cover the ugly brown grass outside.
I like the snow. I like going snowmobiling, skiing, and sledding during the winter months. I do not mind when the temperature starts to drop if there is snow on the ground. However, if there is no snow on the ground outside, like right now, then I hate being cold. If it’s going to be cold, then there should be snow! I am hoping that by the time Christmas rolls around, that there is a good few inches of snow on the ground because after all, Christmas is just not the same without the snow!
Go Mustangs!
Tyler Glynn
Sophomore-Jordan, MN
Learn what it is like to be an SMSU student through the words of our current students!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
First of all, you are probably wondering...what does doughboy stand for? The doughboys are my intermural basketball team name that I play on. Secondly, you might wonder how we came up with the name. Well that’s easy….we went to WalMart one day before powderpuff football this fall and were looking for a team shirt. What did we find? We found purple doughboy shirts for our team and we decided instead of just wearing them that night we would wear them for basketball too. The intermural basketball season is about 3 weeks in. The doughboys got there first win on Thursday December 2nd and it was an exciting one! The doughboys are a group of all freshman girls: Chelsey, Olivia, Jelly, Annie, Emily, Anna, Cassie, and me. We have a couple on the team that played basketball all through high school, some that only played in middle school, and some that have never played before. We might not be the most talented team on the court, but we sure do have a lot of fun playing together and getting to know each other even better! :)

Shawnalisa Reed
Freshman-Bruce, SD
Shawnalisa Reed
Freshman-Bruce, SD
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wow! This semester has really gone by fast. It is hard to believe that we only have two weeks of classes and a week of finals before winter break! Thanksgiving break was last week and it could not have come at a better time. The long break was a great opportunity to get away from the stress of final papers, projects, and tests and just focus on catching up with friends and family. Also, for the ambitious few, it was a nice opportunity to get ahead on some homework! Although it’s kind of sad to see certain courses come to a close, the thought of a new schedule is really exciting! Good luck to everyone during finals week!
Go Mustangs!
Kaelyn Turner
Sophomore- Sartell, MN
Go Mustangs!
Kaelyn Turner
Sophomore- Sartell, MN
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Deck the Halls!
The garland is strung, stockings are hung, and the Christmas lights are up—it’s finally here! My roommates and I have been decorating our place like crazy, in fact, it kind of looks like Santa threw up all over our living room! Last year we got a real Christmas tree, and even though the scent was absolutely delicious—the needles were an awful pain, and it was so darn thirsty all the time! We decided to go with the artificial route this year, so we bought pine air fresheners to create the allusion that everything was real! This weekend we’re planning on driving around Marshall to look at Christmas lights, while singing carols and drinking hot chocolate—‘tis the season!
It seems absolutely CRAZY that we only have two and a half weeks left in the semester, but this change in season definitely helps with the transition. Looking back on each of my fall semesters, they have just gone by faster and faster each year! Even though I’m starting to feel the pressure of Finals Week and all of the other final projects I have due, I’m still able to work some fun into my schedule in order to stay sane. My friends and I go to open skate nights at the ice rink in town, and a few of our other buddies play pick-up hockey too. As much as I wish I could play hockey, it’s just not working out for me; instead, I go and watch and throw out quotes from The Mighty Ducks series, which makes it completely worth while!
One big event on campus that I’m really looking forward to is the annual Casino Night put on by the Residence Life Association. Casino Night will be held December 8, from 8:00pm to Midnight. Food and drinks are provided, and there are a plethora of different games to play—depending on your gambling preference! I personally enjoy doing the horse races, roulette, and bingo! This year there is a Harry Potter theme to the night, so they will be incorporating a lot of new games into the night! There are a ton of prizes and chances to win things, plus a lot of faculty and staff run the games, so it’s a really neat environment to let loose and have some fun!
I’m excited to finish strong in these next few weeks, and I hope you are too!
Merry Christmas—God bless!
Kelly Fitzgerald
Senior-Marshalltown, IA
It seems absolutely CRAZY that we only have two and a half weeks left in the semester, but this change in season definitely helps with the transition. Looking back on each of my fall semesters, they have just gone by faster and faster each year! Even though I’m starting to feel the pressure of Finals Week and all of the other final projects I have due, I’m still able to work some fun into my schedule in order to stay sane. My friends and I go to open skate nights at the ice rink in town, and a few of our other buddies play pick-up hockey too. As much as I wish I could play hockey, it’s just not working out for me; instead, I go and watch and throw out quotes from The Mighty Ducks series, which makes it completely worth while!
One big event on campus that I’m really looking forward to is the annual Casino Night put on by the Residence Life Association. Casino Night will be held December 8, from 8:00pm to Midnight. Food and drinks are provided, and there are a plethora of different games to play—depending on your gambling preference! I personally enjoy doing the horse races, roulette, and bingo! This year there is a Harry Potter theme to the night, so they will be incorporating a lot of new games into the night! There are a ton of prizes and chances to win things, plus a lot of faculty and staff run the games, so it’s a really neat environment to let loose and have some fun!
I’m excited to finish strong in these next few weeks, and I hope you are too!
Merry Christmas—God bless!
Kelly Fitzgerald
Senior-Marshalltown, IA
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