First of all, you are probably wondering...what does doughboy stand for? The doughboys are my intermural basketball team name that I play on. Secondly, you might wonder how we came up with the name. Well that’s easy….we went to WalMart one day before powderpuff football this fall and were looking for a team shirt. What did we find? We found purple doughboy shirts for our team and we decided instead of just wearing them that night we would wear them for basketball too. The intermural basketball season is about 3 weeks in. The doughboys got there first win on Thursday December 2nd and it was an exciting one! The doughboys are a group of all freshman girls: Chelsey, Olivia, Jelly, Annie, Emily, Anna, Cassie, and me. We have a couple on the team that played basketball all through high school, some that only played in middle school, and some that have never played before. We might not be the most talented team on the court, but we sure do have a lot of fun playing together and getting to know each other even better! :)

Shawnalisa ReedFreshman-Bruce, SD
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