Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mustang Days!

With Mustang Days approaching, many high school or transfer students are taking time out of their schedules to come and visit SMSU! Mustang Days is October 20th & 21st this year. Students and their families will come and get more of a feel of what the university is all about. There is two sessions each day that those students can choose from, 9:00am and 1:00pm. Throughout the time that they are here, they will listen to an Admissions representative speak, have a chance to talk to SMSU faculty in their area of interest, and will be given a tour of campus.

During the Admissions presentation, parents and students will receive more information on financial aid and how to go about signing up. They will also explain how to apply for scholarships that students can receive.
Students will have a chance to talk to faculty members in their area of interest. If they are not sure exactly what their area of interest is going to be, students will be able to explore the possible areas that are offered at SMSU.

Also, students will be given a tour of SMSU from one of the University Ambassadors. They will learn where different things are located on campus, from where dining services is to where the lecture halls are at.

As a freshman, I remember going to my campus visit here at SMSU during my senior year of high school. I really felt that during the short time I was here at SMSU I got a feel of what the university had to offer. I got to talk to a faculty member in the Education Department and she was very helpful with answering my questions. All the faculty members are more than willing to answer your questions. I also really enjoyed getting a tour of campus. It wasn’t one of those tours were you could hardly hear what the tour guide was saying, it was an individual tour. You could ask questions whenever you wanted throughout the tour and you could find out more about the organizations or clubs that are offered. I really liked how SMSU set up their visit days and that is one reason I enjoy helping with them. SMSU has a lot to offer!

Go Mustangs!!

Shawnalisa Reed
Freshman – Bruce, South Dakota

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